We’re passionate about Plumstead

Nurturing our environment

Welcome to the our website!

Our team of dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the preservation and maintenance of the local area for the benefit of both the local community and the wider environment. Our mission is to protect and enhance the natural beauty of the reserve while promoting education and awareness of its importance to the community.

Meet the hardworking team

Our team of volunteers comprises of individuals from all walks of life, who share a passion for preserving our natural environment. Whether you're a seasoned conservationist or simply looking for a way to give back to the community, we welcome you to join us in our efforts to protect this vital ecosystem.

Let’s love plumstead

Plumstead Nature Reserve

Sessions take place for 2hrs from 11 AM on the last Sunday of each month.

The Slade Pond

Litter picking and maintenance sessions take place at 11 AM for 2hrs on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

Workhouse Wood

Sessions take place for 2hrs from 11 AM on the 3rd Sunday of each month.